Monday, January 5, 2009

anugerah seni MAKUM 2008 meriah

Bertempat di Hotel Puteri Pacific JB, malam anugerah seni diadakan untuk menghargai komitment mahasiswa-mahasiswa IPTA seluruh negara dalam penglibatan seni dan kebudayaan.

Pelbagai acara diadakan pd mlm itu.

Antara peserta yg terlibat dri semua IPTA seluruh negara.

Tahniah kepada UTHM kerana berjaya menjadi tuan rumah selama 2 tahun berturut-turut. Semoga kcemerlangan ini diteruskan oleh UNIMAP pd thun akan dtg sbgai penganjur tuan rumah yg baru.

1 comment:

zulnews said...

it seems a lot of events excite you to face the 4 coming months, especially the d day of graduation, well as the scholar, i do give you salute having good spirit facing the world better in a better point of view as the one educated...
my young best fellow.. enjoy your life and keep doing right !!
here in Medan, Indonesia I am always proud of you..proud of your writings.... in taking a part watching this world running...:)